Armistice 100

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The Armistice weekend in 2018 was one of the busiest, being the 100th anniversary since the guns fell silent after the 2nd World War on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month.

Being a military Lodge and part of the Circuit of Service Lodges which was formed in 1993 and currently comprising 34 lodges, we proudly attended and paraded our banner at the Armistice Service on Saturday the 10th. It fell to Victoria Rifles Lodge (our Mother Lodge) to host the Armistice Service of Remembrance at the Grand Temple in Freemasons Hall. Approximately 1600 masons from across the country and further afield attended, many from military service to remember the fallen who gave us our liberty today. http://

On Sunday 11th Members of the Lodge attended the service of remembrance at the Ranger Memorial on Chenies Street, outside the parade hall from which the regiment which our lodge takes it name from was formed. Cadet Swan from the KIng's Royal Rifle Corp laid the wreath on behalf of the Lodge at a service attended by the American International Church and charity Just Rifles.

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